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​Team Development : helping teams and organisation's transform and thrive in complex and dynamic environments

Coaching : authentic leadership, maximising performance, demystifying complexity, navigating change, powerful storytelling 

Clinical Operations Consulting & Advising : leveraging data, analytics and visualisations, product development and positioning, AI 

Clinical Trial Outsourcing : challenging conventional models, providing clarity underpinned by co-creation, personality and transparency

About Jason Gubb


With over 30 years experience in global clinical operations strategy and leadership, I provide strategy consulting and thought leadership to Biotechs, Pharma and Technology Start-ups to foster innovation and accelerate trial delivery. Recent projects have included creating bespoke outsourcing strategies which turn the old paradigm on it's head and leveraging data, analytics, automation and visualisations to provide actionable insights for multifunctional teams.  I also help clients optimise product development and positioning. Providing challenge and clarity, I help ensure their target audience expectations are met and their MPVs and/or product development roadmaps align long-term goals with immediate needs. 


As a practitioner in systemic coaching, I work with teams and individuals to create clarity, focus and space for deep thinking.  Working with leaders of ambitious and disruptive companies I help map their relationship system, identify challenges, barriers and the shifts required for superior performance. The approach challenges teams to boldly adapt to change, gaining enough clarity and focus to accelerate progress. This results in leaders and organisations that can move with greater speed, creativity, courage and confidence towards their future success. 


Alongside my individual consulting and coaching, I work with trusted associates to deliver clinical operations consulting services and team leadership programs.

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